Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's Hard to be a Productive Human Being When...

I find that it is extremely hard to be a productive human being when...

  • you're a college student on winter break.
  • you have approximately 4 days of freedom until classes start back up.
  • you've actually been super productive the past two days.
  • and last, but definitely not at all the least important... (see picture below).

(The picture is a screen shot from

Am I right?? Why yes, yes I am. I find this weather to be extremely cold. My apartment's heat is set to 80 (because my husband and I, most thankfully, don't pay for heating) and the temperature in our apartment is 60. It isn't right... NOT RIGHT. Not even left. It's just, to put it simply, cold.

To make myself feel like I did more than absolutely nothing today, I think I'll list everything I've done.

I have..
  • watched an episode ..or two.. of Bones on Netflix (I've been trying to finish it forever..).
  • left the apartment for lunch with the husband and his co-workers and their spouses.
  • completed a load of laundry.
  • folded the laundry.
  • put the laundry away.
  • worked on an assignment from work.
  • watched another episode of Bones.
  • FaceTimed a lil' sister.
  • made pizza rolls for dinner.. (What?? everything else took longer to cook when frozen..)
  • AND, soon, I will have finally written a blog post for the first time in... EVER.
Wowza! So, maybe I have been a slightly (emphasis on the word slightly) productive human being. I mean, writing a blog post??? That's like running a marathon! *wink*

And that is all. I hope your day was more productive and warmer than mine.